Premier Education

National Fitness Day 2024 – how to turn fitness into fun

National Fitness Day is here, and it’s the perfect opportunity to get children excited about staying active. Physical activity is not only crucial for physical health but also key for improving mental health and well-being, focus and self-confidence- especially for primary school-aged children. The best part? Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or feel like a chore. By turning fitness into fun, children will learn to embrace movement as a natural, enjoyable part of their day. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of exercise for children and offer some exciting ideas to keep kids moving while having fun!

The Benefits of Physical Activity for Primary School Children

National fitness day benefits of movement and exercise

Before we dive into the fun of National Fitness Day, let’s take a look at why regular exercise and encouraging an active lifestyle is so important for children’s physical and mental health. At Premier Education, we know that keeping children active supports their overall development. Here’s how:

Physical Fitness and Strength

Children are growing quickly, and their bodies need movement to develop strong muscles and bones. Regular physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, enhances flexibility and boosts coordination. Activities like running, jumping and playing games this National Fitness Day are simple yet powerful ways to build these skills while keeping it light and enjoyable.

Mental Wellbeing

Exercise isn’t just good for the body; it’s a fantastic way to improve mental health too! Physical activity releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which help children feel happier and more relaxed. In fact, studies show that regular movement can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, improve sleep and even boost self esteem as well as a range of other health benefits.

For children, activities that feel like play, such as obstacle courses or group games at leisure centres or at home, are ideal for releasing energy and bringing joy. These activities also create opportunities for social bonding and learning to work as a team, which can further support emotional wellbeing.

Focus and Academic Performance

Believe it or not, active children tend to do better in school. Physical activity can help improve concentration, memory, and creativity, all of which are important for learning- not to mention improving overall health! Whether it’s a quick run during break time or an organised activity in a school club, fitness and regular physical activity ensures that children return to the classroom feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

Turning Fitness into Fun: Ideas for Keeping Kids Active

Turning fitness into fun: Ideas for keeping kids active and promoting sports

So, how do we keep kids excited about exercise? The answer is simple—make it fun! Here are some engaging activities that can transform physical activity into a joyful adventure:

Obstacle Courses

One of the easiest ways to turn fitness into fun is by setting up a mini obstacle course. Children love a challenge, and weaving through cones, jumping over ropes, or crawling under tunnels keeps them entertained while improving agility and coordination. The beauty of obstacle courses is that they can be adapted to any environment—whether you’re in the garden, the park, or even indoors.

Pro tip: Time each child as they go through the course and let them race themselves. It’s a great way to encourage healthy competition and boost self-esteem when they beat their own time!

Themed Sports Days

Why not bring the excitement of sports day into your regular fitness routine or sports clubs? Create themed sports events, like a pirate adventure where children “walk the plank” (balance beams) or a jungle quest that involves swinging on ropes and jumping like frogs. These themed days turn ordinary exercise into a magical experience, keeping children eager to get moving.

Premier Education’s School Clubs regularly incorporate fun, themed group activities that encourage children to explore a variety of sports and fitness games in a light-hearted way. It’s about building skills without losing the sense of adventure!

Dance Parties

Kids of all ages love music, and dancing is one of the easiest ways to get them moving. Host a mini dance party where kids can show off their best moves, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly they forget they’re even exercising! Not only does dancing improve coordination and rhythm, but it’s also a wonderful way for kids to express themselves creatively.

If your child enjoys dancing or sport in general, consider signing them up for a dance-based session at one of Premier Education’s Holiday Camps. These camps offer a range of fun activities, including dance, to help kids stay active during school breaks.

Nature Adventures

Turn a simple walk into an adventure by heading outdoors for a nature hike. Children can hunt for treasures, like leaves or stones, or even make it a race to see who can spot the most wildlife. Not only does this keep them moving, but it also sparks curiosity and helps children develop a love for nature.

At Premier Education, we often incorporate outdoor play into our School Clubs and Holiday Camps, giving children a chance to explore the world around them while staying active. Whether it’s a scavenger hunt in the park or a relay race across the playground, outdoor activities offer endless opportunities for movement and exploration

Mini Olympics

Get into the spirit of competition with a mini Olympics event and fitness day. Set up stations with different challenges—think jumping jacks, swimming, sprints, long jumps, or beanbag tosses—and let kids compete for fun prizes. Kids can play individually or participate in teams or, fostering both individual achievement and teamwork.

These friendly competitions encourage kids to set goals and work toward them, all while improving their fitness levels and overall health. Plus, with a variety of events, there’s something for every child to enjoy.

How Premier Education Can Help

Premier Educations School Sports Clubs and Activities

At Premier Education, we know that children thrive when they’re having fun. That’s why our School Clubs and Holiday Camps are designed to make fitness feel like play. From multisport sessions to themed fitness days, we offer a wide range of activities that help children build confidence, develop new skills, and stay active in an engaging, supportive environment.

Our trained coaches understand the needs of primary school children and create programmes that focus on physical and mental well-being. Whether your child loves sports or is just discovering the joy of movement, we have something for everyone.

Making Fitness A Lifelong Habit

Make fitness a habit in Primary School children

The earlier children develop a love for movement, the more likely they are to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle as they grow and navigate through life. By turning fitness into fun, you’re helping them form positive habits that will last a lifetime. Encourage your child to explore different activities, from sports to dance to outdoor adventures, and let them find what makes them smile.

This National Fitness Day, let’s celebrate the joy of staying active and remind children that exercise is more than just moving—it’s about having fun, building friendships, and feeling great in both body and mind.

Ready to get your child moving? Sign up for one of Premier Education’s School Clubs or Holiday Camps today and discover the fun side of sport this National Fitness Day!