Premier Education

Growing vegetables with kids: plan what to grow this spring

Spring is just around the corner, and any green fingered enthusiast will know that now is the perfect time to start planning your vegetable garden for 2025. Growing vegetables is a great activity that all of the family can get involved with. Children can plant their seeds and watch them grow into delicious veggies throughout the Spring and Summer months. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about growing vegetables with your kids, including beginners tips and tricks, how to plan your perfect veg patch, and why gardening is so great for children’s development.

Why gardening is great for kids

Gardening is a great opportunity for kids to spend some much needed time outside, learning about nature in a hands-on way. It encourages them to be curious and creative while their watching their tiny seeds grow into plants and vegetables they can enjoy later on.

Gardening is also great for teaching children patience and responsibility. Digging, planting and watering activities are good for refining fine and gross motor skills. A sense of pride will also be achieved from harvesting the crops from their garden, boosting their self-esteem. Any veggies that they grow can also go straight onto their plate to encourage healthier eating. It’s a win-win!

How can I get my children into gardening?

Making gardening and growing their own vegetables an exciting and fun activity is vital to keeping your little ones enjoying nature and being outside. Start by involving them in the planning process. Ask them which vegetables they would like to grow and where in the garden they would like to put them. You can even give them their own little area of soil that they take care of by themselves, such as watering and weeding.

We also recommend using plants that grow quickly to keep them engaged. For example, plants like radishes or cress will allow them to see results quickly and keep them interested. You could create a chart where they can track the progress of their vegetables and how quickly they are growing.

What is the easiest vegetable to grow?

carrots in garden vegetable patch

If you’re a beginner and looking for a stress-free start, choosing vegetables that are easier to grow is a great place to start. We have put together a list of some veggies that are perfect for little ones and beginners;

Radishes: Radishes can grow extremely quickly and are ready to harvest in as little for four weeks. Your kids can plant their radishes and have them in a tasty salad in no time!

Carrots: A crunchy, healthy lunchtime snack for your kids, it’s no wonder carrots are a favourite for children. We recommend choosing short rooted varieties for quicker results.

Lettuce: Lettuce can be harvested multiple times throughout the season, making it a perfect veggie to add to your list of things to grow this year.

Peas: Your kids will love picking the sweet crunchy peas after watching them grow. Why not add them to their dinners and encourage them to help you cook with them too!

Beans: Runner beans or French beans are super easy to grow and kids can have fun watching them climb in their garden.

What vegetables should I grow if I’m a beginner?

At Premier Education, we would recommend sticking with veggies that don’t require a lot of maintenance and are guaranteed to produce some delicious vegetables. As well as the list above, why not try vegetables such as potatoes, courgettes and spring onions. We’re sure you’ll be making some delicious dishes with these in no time!

What is the best month to plant vegetables?

herb garden layout

Spring is the perfect time to get your gloves on and get busy in the garden, but the exact timing will depend on the vegetables you are choosing to plant. However, we have put together a rough guide of what to plant and when;

  • March: Plant vegetables like peas, spinach, and radishes.
  • April: April weather is perfect for carrots, potatoes, and lettuce.
  • May: Now would be a good time to plant beans, and courgettes, and start growing tomatoes.

A guaranteed tip to make sure you are planting your veggies at the perfect time would be to check the back of your seed packet for specific instructions.

What is a good layout for a vegetable garden?

Simplicity and accessibility will be your two best friends when designing a garden layout that is child-friendly. You could even have a dedicated kid zone in an existing garden so that they can have their own space to do what they want.

Here are a few tips:

  • Raised Beds: Raised beds are perfect for little hands to reach and also help to keep your garden organised. Kids can grow different veggies in different beds and see which ones do the best.
  • Paths: We would recommend creating clear paths between your raised beds or planting areas to stop any little feet from stomping on plants and vegetables.
  • Mixed Planting: Kids can plant more than just veggies in their garden. Why not try mixing flowers like marigolds with your vegetables to naturally deter pests and attract bees and butterflies?
  • Label Everything: Children can use pegs, wooden ice cream sticks or painted rocks to label each veg patch or bed so they can easily identify their crops.

Why is gardening good for children’s development?

Gardening has so many benefits when it comes to children’s development. It offers a unique combination of physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits for a number of ages.

  • Physical Activity: Digging, planting, and watering are excellent forms of exercise that keep kids active and outdoors.
  • Problem-Solving: They’ll learn to deal with the challenges of gardening like pesky bugs and pests eating their produce or weather changes like wind and rain storms.
  • Emotional Wellbeing: Gardening can help to reduce stress and promote mindfulness.
  • Educational Value: Gardening can be a way to teach your little ones about science, maths, and even art when they are designing their pots and garden layouts.

What is the easiest plant to grow for kids?

children in garden, veg patch

As we said before, children don’t have to just plant vegetables this Spring. They can grow plants too. Here are some ideas:

  • Sunflowers: These bright yellow flowers can grow very tall, and very quickly, making them perfect for a children’s garden.
  • Cress: This is perfect for growing on a windowsill and ready to harvest in just a few days. Why not try this one on a rainy day to keep your little ones busy?
  • Cherry Tomatoes: Growing tomatoes is one of the easiest ways to introduce your children to homegrown food and the benefits of growing their own sweet, delicious little snacks.

Top tips for success

To make your gardening adventure a success, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Start Small: Don’t go crazy the first time you get out in the garden. It is very easy to become overwhelmed when creating the perfect garden. A few pots or a small raised bed are plenty to begin with.
  2. Use Good Quality Soil: Good soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. Invest in compost or a soil mix suitable for vegetables.
  3. Stay Consistent: We recommend setting a regular schedule that your kids can follow that includes watering and weeding. This could even be in the form of a star chart that they can fill out each day of the week.
  4. Be Patient: Gardening is a learning process and creating the perfect garden with lots of crops takes time and patience. It’s okay if not every plant succeeds, keep trying.

We would love to see the plants and vegetables you end up planting! Why not take some pictures and tag us on social media!