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      Premier Education wraparound care- the solution to before and after-school care

      No More Having To Work Condensed Days

      Wraparound care means you have more flexibility in working the hours you want to work. It may be that you’ve had to reduce your hours since your child started school, in order to fit in with the school day. Before and after school care means you no longer have to worry about juggling school runs – or commit to expensive childminders.

      • Simple booking process through our online portal.
      • Flexible booking to amend your sessions whenever you want.
      • All of our playworkers are fully qualified, highly trained and DBS checked.
      • The majority of our provisions are Ofsted registered.

      What’s Wraparound Care All About?

      The Best Start To The Day

      Typically, breakfast clubs run from 7.45 – 8.45am and allow children to enjoy a positive start to the day. With fun activities built into every session, your child will be raring to go as soon as it’s time for lessons to start. We even provide a healthy, balanced breakfast to make sure brains and bodies have the right fuel for the day ahead.

      A Fun Way To End The Day

      Our after-school sessions run from the end of school to 6.00pm. Our sessions always offer children a variety of activities, so whether they have excess energy still to burn or would prefer some quiet time for reading or homework, we cater for every need. 
      And there’s no need to worry about rumbling tummies, we make sure all children have a tasty and nutritious snack to keep them going until tea time.

      Engaging and Beneficial Childcare for Every Child

      Wraparound care isn’t just convenient for you, it’s actually hugely beneficial for your child too.

      • Social skills: Being able to spend time with peers outside of the classroom is a fantastic opportunity for kids to build relationships and develop self confidence.
      • Academic Performance:  Eating a nutritious breakfast improves concentration and engagement in lessons. In addition, after-school sessions can provide valuable homework support for any child who needs help.
      • Overall School Attendance: Breakfast clubs in particular are a great way to ensure children make it to school, on-time and in a happy frame of mind. The ‘soft start’ that wraparound care sessions provide mean children go into lessons prepared for the day ahead.
      • Improved Physical Health: We make sure activity is built into every session, providing vital opportunities for children to get their bodies moving and having fun. 

      Breakfast clubs

      An energising start to the day.
      Typical timing: 07.45 – 08.45

      Evidence shows that a dose of physical activity before school hours start helps to engage children’s minds and prepare them for the day ahead.

      Our breakfast clubs offer mentally and physically stimulating activities which sharpen and focus the mind while waking up the body.

      All breakfast clubs include a healthy and nutritious breakfast, including food that is low in added sugar and rich in proteins and fibre, helping to extend attention span, concentration, and memory.

      After-school activities

      Rounding off the day right.
      Typical timing: end of school day – 18.00

      Our after-school activities are designed to function as a ‘pause point’ that concludes school days with fun activities.

      Sessions vary daily and include a range of indoor and outdoor activities, as well as ‘quiet time’ when children can do homework or read if they wish.

      We encourage all children to participate in some physical activity. These activities are inclusive – not just for sporty children – and aim to keep them active through play.

      Our after school childcare is a great place for kids to try out something new, and meet new friends This improves social skills, self-esteem, balance, coordination, and wellbeing.

      Holiday camps

      Low-cost, high-energy way to keep children happy and healthy during the holidays.
      Typical timing: 08.30 – 17.30

      Our Holiday Camps are designed to help your kids get active while school is closed, introduce them to new and exciting activities, and create an action-packed experience they will remember forever.

      A bucket load of fun activities, every day of the school holidays. With great value sports, performing arts, and games to enjoy each holiday throughout the school year, we have plenty for your children to get stuck into.

      Anchor Point: find-a-session

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Each provider will set their own costs, so prices will vary. Typically, here at Premier Education, our franchises charge £6 for a place at a breakfast club and £7-10 for a place at an after school session.
      Yes, even when your child goes to primary school, there is still support available as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. The main schemes available are:

      Tax-Free Childcare: This is a scheme which sees the government provide £2 for every £8 you spend on childcare.
      Universal Credit: If you are entitled to Universal Credit, you will have 85% of your childcare costs covered.
      Childcare Vouchers: If you are already a part of this scheme, you can use Childcare Vouchers to pay for school clubs as well as wraparound care, however this scheme has now closed to new entrants and has been replaced by Tax-Free Childcare.
      Yes, Tax-Free Childcare can be used for extracurricular clubs, holiday clubs and wraparound care.
      We like to provide children with a range of indoor and outdoor activities. For example, a selection of board games and puzzles, craft activities and drawing, higher-energy activities which may include a particular sport such as dodgeball or freeze tag and of course the opportunity to read or complete some homework. The sessions should provide a fun mix of socialising with friends, down-time and informal learning.

      There is no pressure for children to get involved in the activities provided, however they are always encouraged to participate in some physical activity.
      No, we keep all children together and they have the option of mixing (we generally find that they do, and really enjoy it!) or sticking with peers of a similar age.
      Great care is always taken to make sure ALL children have access to a range of activities. Our booking process means parents have the ability to inform the team of any additional needs a child may have, which allows us to adapt any games or activities.