Premier Education

Join the Eiffel Athletics Trail

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Summer term enrichment inspired by the games in Paris

As part of Premier Education’s Summer Sport Spectacular, the Eiffel Athletics Trail is focused on participation and building confidence in primary pupils through fully coached in-school activities inspired by the games in Paris.

What is available to my school?


The Eiffel Athletics Trail offers enriching experiences for primary pupils that can be tailored to meet the needs of your school ethos and work around your existing PE, School Sport and Physical Activity provision.

There are three key programme options, but we’ll work with your school to provide a solution
that brings inspiration and memorable experiences, just the way you want.

Inclusive & adaptable

Our expert coaches understand that some pupils have plenty of confidence or prior experience, and others have very little, so they deliver varied and diverse enrichment games with adaptations to challenge and excite every pupil, whatever their ability level.

Eiffel Athletics Trail benefits

Exciting activities for pupils. Enrichment that contributes to your whole school plan. 

Immerse your pupils in the thrill of the games and the global spirit of participation. Fuel their aspirations with enrichment options that foster teamwork, perseverance, and healthy competition. The Eiffel Athletics Trail holds three key values:


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How are the inspiring activities delivered?

All our activities are run by our highly qualified Activity Professionals, so that’s another thing you won’t have to worry about. They work in primary schools delivering PE and School Sport every day of the school year, so they know a thing or two about working with large groups of primary school pupils.

The Eiffel Athletics Trail is focused on participation and building confidence in pupils. We also know that some pupils have plenty of confidence, so our team create varied and diverse enrichment games to challenge and excite every pupil, whatever their ability level.

Register your interest below.

Anchor Point: form

Register for our Eiffel Athletics Trail

If you’re a parent, making an enquiry about activities for your child, please enquire here.