We’re putting a twist on inter-school competitions, making them easier than ever to run.
Most schools will have some experience with running competitions and events alongside other schools – which can be a challenge to coodinate, resource-heavy, and difficult to measure results. To combat this, and to give every child the opportunity to compete against other children their age, we have developed Virtual Competitions. These events can be run within any venue, and give schools an easy opportunity to compete with other schools.
In short, Premier Education will provide the equipment, deliver the activity, and measure the results – making school competitions a breeze for you and your colleagues.
All of our competitions can be delivered and completed in self-contained, simple sessions.
Inter-school competitions are a great way to encourage and motivate your pupils to take part in physical activity.
We’ll provide the equipment, and deliver competitions to your pupils at zero-cost to you.
We’ve developed our Virtual Competitions so that they can work with almost any sport that we deliver. Competitions will often include a simple, measurable activity for children to complete. Based on the type of competition, our Activity Professionals will then provide you with a score, and a place in the competition.
Taking archery as an example, children could each receive three arrows to fire at a target. After everybody has finished their go, the total points achieved will be counted up, and measured alongside the performance of other classes or schools.
Interested in getting your school involved in one of our inter-school competitions?
Simply fill in the form below, and a Premier Education representative will be in touch to arrange delivery to your pupils.
Revolutionise your inter-school competitions
If you’re a parent, making an enquiry about activities for your child, please enquire here.